
Welcome to the media section of Police Driving. This page is designed to assist members of the news media with research as it pertains to law enforcement driving issues, with particular focus on police pursuits and the importance of training for law enforcement driving.

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“For 20 plus years, more police officers have died in vehicle related incidents than a violent confrontation with a firearm. Sadly, this trend continues. Municipalities, Counties and States will pay more money related to police involved collisions and pursuits than they will with deadly force encounters. Deadly Force and Firearm Training is essential on an ongoing basis. So is Law Enforcement Driver Training.” –  Major Travis Yates – Director, SAFETAC Training

“Police Departments must take a different approach when it comes to law enforcement driver training. Virtually every State requires that officers qualify with their weapons each year and most require training such as mental health, hazardous materials, and deadly force. Where does driving come in? Unfortunately the one thing that an officer does every single day, driving, is never discussed. In too many places around the World, police officers never train in driving.” – Tulsa Police Major Travis Yates – Director, SAFETAC Training

“There is no question that vehicle training should be mandatory on a yearly basis. It would be unheard of to not require officers to qualify each year with their service handgun. Vehicles are a deadly weapon and are currently killing police at an alarming rate. The mandatory training that is required in most basic academies is a start but what about the fifteen-year veteran that has not been given any additional pursuit or driver training? The typical police officer is given a 2-5 day school in their basic academy on driving. Maybe 4-8 hours of that was spent on pursuit training. With the inundation of modern academy information, does that training block on pursuits come into play five to ten years later when the officer is involved in the real deal? Driving, just like firearm proficiency is a diminished skill. Without continued practice and training, You will lose the skills that you were taught in the academy.” – Major Travis Yates – Director, SAFETAC Training